Saturday, June 14, 2008

For all those interested.....

Rememeber me pestering everyone about donations? About the doll?
Yea, SHE CAME TODAY!..... well, I guess techniquelly yesterday. I spent five hours doing her face-up (make-up, but because the dolls don't have 'faces' we call em face-ups) I'm still working on weaving her wig. It's a long pain in the arse project, for those familiar with latch hook rugs, that's how I'm making her wig. So I can style it any way I want without worrying about wefts showing.
Anyway, she has her own LJ account, Purple_Seraphyn for anyone who belongs to LJ and wants to add her (I'm such a dork. I freely admit this, however because of some of the shots involving painting her body. You MUST be 18 and over, and trust me I will have you prove it to me.)
For anyone curious as to what she looks like, these were the two uber quick pages I put together in regards to her box opening:
Page One
Page Two

and Here's two shots of her face so you can see what she looks like:
Shot One
Shot Two

I love her, but that's just me. Thank you everyone who helped me to add her to my house hold. She's going to get spoiled with lots of clothes (although making doll clothes is more annoying then human clothes, cause humans can squeeze into stuff... dolls can not. Nyarg.) And I promise to get back to work on DitLoaC so there won't be any gaps or delays in the comic! Wheee! I've almost story boarded to the end of chapter five....... I'll shut up now.


Brigid said...

Oh wow. That's great!

Congrats on the swift arrival of your doll!

Anonymous said...

yes congrats and i love the face up you did, well done. ^_^I ish i had a steady enough hand to do that. lol But any how i know hoe you feel. i've beenw anting a doll too but i got no moneys! lol meh good things come to those who wait and you're an example of it *^_* any way congrats and enjoy your doll. Not sure where you got her from but you should take a look at they have some nice dolls there ^_^

Anonymous said...

oops i ment how! >.< sorries for the typos!!!

ditloac said...

Oh I have seen the iplehose dolls. I've seen all the various BJD company molds from Abio Angel to.... Unoa, there might be some after Unoa, but that was the lowest letter I could think of. Some of the higher priced dolls, like iple, are really nice, but not quite nice enough for the price in my opinion. If I get enough money the next girl in my collection will be a CP (luts) Soo, and the first boy will be a DZ Yuu. But I'm happy with my Sera, and I wouldn't trade her for anything. Although, seeing how big she is, it'd be hard to have more and still remain as close to Sera as I am. So she might remain my only doll.

About Me

*blinks* I have a corgi. *holds the corgi up* He looks like a cookie jar. Isn't he cwute?