Sunday, March 16, 2008

Just so you know...

I wonder if it's really that difficult to scroll down a bit to check if there's new news....but anyway:
1. Since CG didn't update todays page in the fashion I am accustomed to (i.e.-by 12:15 the new page STILL isn't up.) I thought I'd mention there IS a DitLoaC mirror-ish site. So that if CG crashes, you can still get your DitLoaC fix, even if it doesn't have the same pretty purple layout (that's because DDs html coding makes no sense and doesn't seem to be inclined to alterations.)
2. In regards to Windre/Love and Life of a Guinea Pig, fear not. I might turn them to screentone grey and include those versions in with the finished DitLoaC book. I emphasise the MIGHT. It all depends on how I feel and how many side stories I end up doing for the book, whether or not I'll want to make it thicker by adding those two to it.
Anyway, that's all. Now to finish packing for AB.


Brigid said...

Good to know. ^_^ On all points.

This makes me very much look forward to the coming of the DitLoaC book. And getting a job so I can justify buying it.

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About Me

*blinks* I have a corgi. *holds the corgi up* He looks like a cookie jar. Isn't he cwute?